Plot Diagram For Harrison Bergeron

Unveiling the Plot Diagram for Harrison Bergeron, a tale that unfolds within a dystopian society where conformity reigns supreme. This thought-provoking narrative follows the extraordinary journey of Harrison Bergeron, a symbol of rebellion and hope, as he challenges the oppressive Handicapping System that stifles individuality.

Prepare to delve into a captivating analysis of the story’s structure, exploring the key elements that drive its powerful message and enduring legacy.


The story of “Harrison Bergeron” is set in a dystopian future where society has become completely equal. To achieve this equality, the government has implemented a Handicapping System that forces everyone to wear physical and mental handicaps to ensure that no one has an advantage over anyone else.


The story takes place in a large, urban area in the United States. The time period is not explicitly stated, but it is clear that it is a future where technology has advanced significantly. The government is a totalitarian regime that controls every aspect of people’s lives.

Main Characters

  • Harrison Bergeron:A strong, intelligent, and handsome young man who is born without any handicaps.
  • Hazel Bergeron:Harrison’s mother, who is a kind and loving woman who is forced to wear a mask that covers her beauty.
  • George Bergeron:Harrison’s father, who is a gentle and loving man who is forced to wear weights that make him slow and clumsy.

Handicapping System

The Handicapping System is a complex and elaborate system of physical and mental handicaps that are designed to ensure that everyone is equal. Physical handicaps include weights, masks, and earplugs. Mental handicaps include noise machines and distracting thoughts.

The Handicapping System has a profound impact on society. It creates a sense of conformity and prevents people from expressing their individuality. It also makes it difficult for people to communicate and connect with each other.

Rising Action

The rising action of “Harrison Bergeron” begins with Harrison’s daring escape from prison and the subsequent removal of his handicaps.

Harrison’s Escape and Removal of Handicaps

Harrison’s physical prowess and intelligence allow him to overpower the Handicappers and escape from prison. He then removes the handicaps that have been imposed on him by society, revealing his true potential.

Reaction of Society and the Handicappers

Harrison’s actions shock and enrage society. The Handicappers pursue him relentlessly, determined to restore him to his handicapped state. However, Harrison’s defiance inspires others to question the oppressive system they live under.

Harrison as a Symbol of Rebellion and Hope

Harrison’s rebellion becomes a beacon of hope for those who have been oppressed by the Handicapper General’s regime. He represents the possibility of a world free from the constraints of artificial equality.


The climax of Harrison Bergeron’s rebellion unfolds as a direct confrontation between him and the Handicappers, who represent the oppressive force of the Handicapping System. The conflict escalates in a dramatic ballet scene, where Harrison’s physical superiority and Diana Moon Glampers’ intellectual prowess collide.

Harrison’s Dance with Diana Moon Glampers

Harrison’s defiance reaches its peak when he removes his handicaps and dances with Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General. This act of rebellion is a powerful symbol of resistance against the system that has suppressed individuality and freedom. Harrison’s graceful movements and Diana’s stunning voice create a mesmerizing spectacle that captivates the audience.

Impact on the Handicapping System

Harrison’s actions have a profound impact on the Handicapping System. The ballet scene becomes a catalyst for a revolution, inspiring others to question the authority of the Handicappers. Harrison’s defiance exposes the fragility of the system and ultimately leads to its downfall.

Falling Action

In the aftermath of Harrison’s death, society undergoes significant changes.

The Handicapper General is removed from power, and the oppressive laws he enforced are repealed. People are free to pursue their own goals and express themselves without fear of punishment.

Societal Transformation, Plot diagram for harrison bergeron

  • Citizens shed their handicaps and embrace individuality.
  • Artistic expression flourishes, as people are no longer hindered by physical or intellectual limitations.
  • A sense of community and equality prevails, as people recognize the value of each individual.

Significance of the Ending

The story’s ending highlights the transformative power of rebellion and the importance of fighting against oppression.

Harrison’s actions inspire others to question the status quo and strive for a better society.

The ending also suggests that true equality and freedom cannot be achieved through force or government intervention, but rather through the collective actions of individuals who are willing to stand up for what they believe in.


Harrison Bergeron’s legacy as a cautionary tale against the dangers of conformity and the suppression of individuality continues to resonate with readers today. The story serves as a timeless reminder of the importance of preserving our unique qualities and the perils of allowing our differences to be erased.

Harrison Bergeron’s story offers several valuable lessons and insights:

The Importance of Individuality

  • Harrison’s story highlights the crucial role that individuality plays in a healthy and vibrant society.
  • The suppression of individuality stifles creativity, innovation, and progress.
  • Embracing our differences and celebrating our uniqueness is essential for a thriving and diverse community.

The Dangers of Conformity

  • Harrison’s society is a cautionary tale about the dangers of blind conformity and the erosion of critical thinking.
  • When individuals blindly follow the crowd, they surrender their own judgment and become susceptible to manipulation and control.
  • It is important to question authority, challenge the status quo, and think independently.

The Power of Resistance

  • Harrison’s rebellion, however brief, serves as a powerful symbol of resistance against oppression and injustice.
  • Even in the face of overwhelming odds, it is possible to stand up for what is right and fight for one’s beliefs.
  • Resistance can take many forms, from peaceful protests to acts of civil disobedience.

User Queries: Plot Diagram For Harrison Bergeron

What is the significance of the ballet scene in Harrison Bergeron?

The ballet scene serves as a pivotal moment, symbolizing the triumph of individuality over conformity. Harrison’s graceful dance with Diana Moon Glampers represents a rejection of the Handicapping System’s oppressive rules.

How does Harrison Bergeron’s story resonate with readers today?

Harrison Bergeron’s story continues to resonate with readers due to its timeless themes of rebellion, individuality, and the struggle against oppression. It serves as a reminder of the importance of challenging societal norms and embracing our unique qualities.